Sunday, April 28, 2013

Four Months and counting...

Hello family and friends,
We took several photos this week. That does not mean it was an exciting eventful week. It means when I woke up Monday I was looking forward to finally getting lots done for PEF. I was determined to make the week a good one.
Monday morning I began with taking pictures of Dale walking to work. Monday was hot and muggy.
Dale is passing a guard station outside somebodies home. The guards are suppose to open and shut the gate when the owner comes and goes. Most guards are young adults who spend much of their time studying, text messaging and sleeping. This guard station has been vacated for several weeks.

This is the road work outside of our work place.  At the present time only motos, bikes and pedestrians can pass through this area. It is too narrow for cars.

In this photo we are approaching the path directly in front of our work place. We are required to walk around to the back of the building. The main entrance has been closed due to the road closed to cars. One month ago this dirt path was a grassy area. The rainy season has softened the ground.  All the traffic has killed any grass that there was. The ground is now packed rock hard dirt. We doubt the work crew will replace the landscape once their job is complete. I imagine we won't see grass here again while we are in Cambodia.

A wave of his hand and off Dale goes. I'm only a camera shot behind.

We are nearing the corner where we will turn right  in order to get to the back gate.

                         Getting closer.

One last look back before we arrive at work.

The back parking lot has two basketball hoops. Many young people hang out here in the afternoon. It was quiet at 8 in the morning.

This is looking back towards the back gate. There is a theft problem and the guards are suppose to keep watch that no bikes and motos get stolen. The only problem is that the guards like to watch the road construction work during the day. They guard the locked front gate instead of the open back gate. Go figure!

There are flowers in bloom year round. These are blooming outside our building.

Mixed white and pink blossoms make a beautiful ground cover in one of the flower beds that beautifies the Church grounds.

We finally arrived at our office with great hopes of getting many things accomplished. By 9 o'clock we had already had the power shut down twice. We rely on a generator to kick in when the city power fails. We played "red light-green light" all day long. The maintenance man informed us that the guy that has the knowledge to repair the generator was in the Provinces. He was due to be back in Phnom Penh at about 1 o'clock. It was questionable when he would actually be able to make repairs. We have no clue how many times the generator has been resuscitated. There will come a day when a replacement generator will be necessary. I personally believe that day has arrived.

What would you do if there was no electricity, no Internet and your office was heating up fast?
This is what we did. Dale found some reading glasses in his desk left behind by past Senior missionaries. Kutheavy, Dale and I were the only people in the building. Let me share with you how we wasted a few minutes of our day.

The grasshopper look.

Oh...the mystery.

Kuntheavy models the grasshopper specs.

Are we having fun or what?

                 Oh yeah, this is fun!

What a way to make the time pass by.

I even tried on Dale's glasses. This is SOOOO fun!

Let's check out the time...
Wow we wasted 6 minutes! Monday was a VERY LONG DAY!

It rains every day now. So far we have not had to walk in it. As I write this blog we are having a lightning and thunder storm. The television just went out. I hope the Internet and other electricity remains on so I can complete this blog entry.

Friday evening Elder and Sister Rhyne left for the great USA. We went a little early to the airport so we could eat at Burger King. I had a caramel sundae and Dale had a Whopper meal. He said it was really good. My sundae tasted very American.

Good-bye dear friends. Sister Rhyne is frowning because we were joking around at the same time we snapped the photo. As I sit here blogging they are enjoying being with their family in Texas.

Saturday we taught early morning institute. We actually had power the whole time we were in the building. We left about noon. As we headed out of the building we could feel the humidity. It had been a pleasant walk to the church at 6 in the morning. At noon it was HOT and HUMID. These construction workers were either on break or done for the day. Everyone was resting on whatever they could find to lay on. These guys had the best resting spots.
They set up their hammocks across where we walk to work. Notice the guard house to the left just beyond the hammocks. This is the same guard house that Dale is walking passed in the first photo of  today's blog.

This weekend we had South District Conference. Saturday Elder and Sister James, who own a car, picked us up to go to our meeting. On route it began to rain. As we watched people scurry for cover we also saw several little kids strip down to nothing and basically take baths in the rain. One little guy was thrilled with all the puddles to play in. Of course we had no camera. After Saturday evening conference we went to a Mexican restaurant we had never been to. The food was great.

Everyday we check out our window to see what is happening in the alley below. This week a guy was moving into one of the apartments. He had a tuk tuk piled high with his belongings.

Our same alley was bustling with children and women the other morning. The orange table the baby is laying on is actually an ice chest. It is very versatile. Today it is a changing table. This small area is the closest home to our window. We believe it is a small community store. That is why they have an ice chest. Most people have no refrigeration. They shop daily.

We learned this week that people get their best buys  at the open markets about 10 in the morning. Farmers like to get home before the heat of the day.  They begin their day early and hope to have all their produce sold before noon. Khmer who want the bargains shop the later part of the morning when prices go down.

I would love to write an exotic wonderful report in our blog, but I simply do not have one to offer. To update you concerning Dale's asthma, he is taking the strongest dosages he can of his medicine. He is not completely asthma free but he is considerably better.

In regard to doing LOUNDRY.  I had only one glitch in my laundry experience this week which was resolved quickly.

At the beginning of the week we had a new leak in our ceiling. By the time anyone could check out our apartment the ceiling was dry with no evidence of a problem. There is nothing they can do until the problem resurfaces. I will be very happy if it does not leak again. The evening I stepped in the puddle and looked up and saw the drip I was a bit upset. I imagined the huge chore of cleaning plaster dust again. Not fun.

District Conference was excellent..
President Moon offered this thought:  "Service is the rent we pay for living on the earth."
Sister Moon said, "Tithing is not about the money, it is about our faith."

That's all folks.

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