Last week I blogged that the PEF program is in transition. This week I had to decline a loan for Nikha a young lady who will not be 18 until next June. The last blog I mentioned age is not a factor. I meant if you are 18 or older age is not a factor. Nikha recently moved to Phnom Penh from Kampong Thom thinking she would be going to college. Because she has several months before she will be 18, our counsel to her was to earn and save money and return to see us closer to her birthday. At that time we can discuss a loan if she still needs it. Dale has been working hard to create reports and fact sheets about our PEF graduates. It is important to determine if these graduates have secured life supporting employment. We hope to gain understanding concerning the real educational needs of the people in Cambodia. We want to understand more clearly what types of legitimate trade schools are available and what the job placement is after taking their courses. The majority of our graduate students received college diplomas. A handful have gone to trade schools. We have lots to do before January 2013 when we are to implement the "new" PEF regulations under direction from the "new" Self Reliance Center. Certain steps we were told to begin immediately. Age qualification was on the list. Nikha came to our office with the hopes of receiving a loan. Her cousin, Pisey, just graduated in accounting from college. She had received her first PEF loan disbursement at age 17. A month ago we disbursed money to another 17 year old. There is a fairness problem here. Nikha was amazingly understanding about the changes. Dale hopes to be able to determine what these changes will mean for the students in Cambodia. He hopes to get a good picture of good job availability here and what education is required. He will present his finding to those in leadership over us. The sooner we accumulate this information the better it will be for our students, us and whoever replaces us next August.
We work in the South District building. It is usually pretty dirty, but this week it was cleaned from top to bottom. The cleaning crew even shampooed our carpet and washed our windows. The glass on the framed pictures in the downstairs lobby were clouded with dirt and now are crystal clear. This was in preparation for the South District Conference. The district was blessed to have Elder and Sister Wilson of the Quorum of the Seventy attend as guest speakers. I think every conference should have visitors come. The concern to make everything "perfect" really helps with the upkeep of the buildings. To be fair, the South District building is somewhat of a challenge to keep clean. The lobby is exposed to the outdoors. Birds frequent it leaving behind what birds like to "do". They also bring their berries inside to eat. The people themselves, however, have not learned the value or use of garbage cans. What is dirty to us looks very clean to them. Dirt, dust and mud are a way of life. Every day cleaning to them is hosing things down and letting it all drip dry. Garbage is swept into piles near the street with hopes the garbage collectors will do their jobs. You've seen the photos.
The South District Conference was not well attended. Many people missed some wonderful messages. President Moon was amazing. He gave his message totally in Khmer. Pretty impressive. The people here have quickly come to love him and support him as their Mission President. One of our PEF students has been in the hospital in Vietnam for tests to determine why she has been sick. She was diagnosed with an auto immune disease and must get plenty of rest, eat well and exercise more. I spoke with her husband on Friday. He said that in sixteen years as a member of the church he has never had a Mission President visit in his home. He said that President Moon visited him and his family this past week. He was so happy and so honored that President Moon would be so concerned for his wife and family.
We have a new shopping mall due to open this January. I decided to look it up online to understand more of what to expect. I think it will be very expensive. Darn...we don't do expensive. The site I went to had a couple of thoughts I will share with all of has nothing to do with the new shopping center...
"Your brain has two parts: the left and the right. The left gets nothing right, and the right has nothing left."
"One basic difference between God and humans is, God gives, gives and forgives. Humans gets, gets and forgets."
I am sure the stores shelves and clothes racks in the USA are well stocked with trick or treat candy and Halloween costumes and decorations. I was surprised to see the following in our neighborhood dress shop window...
There was a fairy costume for a little girl but I guess someone purchased it. If they did their little girl is going to be one really ugly brown fairy!!!
We shared a meal. Glad we did. We had a chicken rice dish and pork deep fried spring rolls that had a underlying fishy taste. We were burping spring roll the remainder of the day. Hope we stay healthy.
We caught the construction crew that works a few buildings down from our apartment cleaning up for the day. The guy in this photo is always so happy to see us come by. He gets so excited and says hello and just laughs. He let Dale take a photo shot:
He soaped up a little more for the picture. He and about five other guys have made this work site their home until the project is complete. They set up a little cook spot just to the right of the dirt pile that shows in the background. Just beyond the corrugated wall is a dark hole. It appears to be their living and sleeping area. Saturday morning on our way to work we passed by this spot only to discover they were getting ready for their day. I had to redirect my view to across the street...I saw nothing fortunately. The people on the streets in the early morning are doing what all of us do early in the morning...we just have doors and curtains for privacy.
Dale's Dream Machine!
We are doing great. Dale's asthma seems to be under control. It looks like our institute class will be held early Saturday morning from now on. Those that attended this past Saturday voted it to be their preference. We are looking forward to having our Saturday afternoons and evenings free. It will be nice not to have to walk home in the dark. This week we plan to attend a Young Single Adult Activity. It will be on Wednesday. There will be games and dancing. It just happens to be on Halloween so we will be having fun while you are having fun.
Have a Spook-tacular week.