Saturday, October 29, 2011

cumriap sua!

Hello or cumriap sua! For about a month we have been learning the language of the people we will be serving in Cambodia. It is definitely a foreign language to us. There are very few words that even sound anything like English.We are also learning to read and write.That too is very foreign. Since this photo was taken we have taken the post its off the wall. Our vocabulary list is too numerous to continue this method of learning words. We do have about 300+ flashcards that we have made. Some days are discouraging but we have found when we keep plugging away at memorizing and practicing that we are actually able to understand some words and phrases. The other evening we wanted to learn about the floods that are happening in Thailand and wondered how Cambodia was fairing. We happened upon a news broadcast from Cambodia.  We actually understood a few of the words the reporter was saying. That was encouraging to us. Knowing the basics of the khmae language will help us feel more comfortable as we meet with those we are called to serve. For now dear family and friends "cumriap lia" or goodbye.